As desperation grows to get unwilling people vaccinated, researchers find that the answer may very well lie in being more directly transparent with their clinical data. If people are welcomed to see the research and results surrounding the vaccines they are being asked to take, it may help to shift the tide. Transparency of this kind has always been very limited, but the necessity of administering this vaccine may force a new norm when it comes to sharing trial data with patients.
As U.S. officials practically beg the unvaccinated to roll up their sleeves to gain protection from COVID-19, a new report is calling on pharmaceutical companies to be more transparent with their clinical trials and data sharing among peers to build trust in the medical system. A group of Yale bioethicists has found that the largest pharmaceutical companies are better at clinical trial transparency and sharing data amongst their peers and smaller companies could be doing more to catch up.
MVG Consulting Services specializes in helping small to medium sized biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies with their clinical development programs and we can provide start-up and virtual companies with the necessary resources to begin their clinical development program.
Services include:
- Clinical Research Consulting Services
- Clinical Trial Development
- Project Rescue
- Inspection Readiness
MVG provides highly qualified clinical research professionals who seamlessly become a part of your project team. Additionally, we provide virtual companies with an entire project team that encompasses all aspects of clinical development.
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