The speed with which COVID-19 vaccines are being developed leaves many uncertain about the safety and effectiveness of a potential vaccine. The global conference hosted by Harvard and MIT confronts this uncertainty and probes the question of how to evaluate and regulate drug development moving forward. Technology will play a central role in upcoming innovation, while gaining and maintaining public trust remains integral. 



Harvard-MIT global conference explores science of evaluating new medicines

Source: Integrity and Trust | Harvard Medical School

MVG Consulting Services specializes in helping small to medium sized biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies with their clinical development programs and we can provide start-up and virtual companies with the necessary resources to begin their clinical development program.

Services include:

  • Clinical Research Consulting Services
  • Clinical Trial Development
  • Project Rescue
  • Inspection Readiness

MVG provides highly qualified clinical research professionals who seamlessly become a part of your project team. Additionally, we provide virtual companies with an entire project team that encompasses all aspects of clinical development.

We invite you to fill out the form below to learn more about how MVG Consulting can help you with your clinical devleopment needs.

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