The Time is Now.

The pharmaceutical industry is laden with issues and inefficiencies that, as of late, have been illuminated and exacerbated. Much of the issue lies in the industry’s sluggish digital transformation as so many of the shortfalls that the system currently grapples with, would be largely improved with the assistance of technology. There is an immediate and dire need to both adapt current processes and to overhaul and replace processes that are no longer efficacious with technology at the forefront. There is no longer time to be idle, as has been made clear by the impact of COVID-19. The time is now.

This article will share some thoughts on the current state of regulatory science, by reflecting back on two prominent meetings — the inaugural UCSF-Stanford Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI) Summit and the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) Virtual Meetings for Stakeholder Engagement on ICH E6.

Source: Regulatory Science Clinical Research Where Do We Stand (And Where Are We Going)

MVG Consulting Services specializes in helping small to medium sized biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies with their clinical development programs and we can provide start-up and virtual companies with the necessary resources to begin their clinical development program.

Services include:

  • Clinical Research Consulting Services
  • Clinical Trial Development
  • Project Rescue
  • Inspection Readiness

MVG provides highly qualified clinical research professionals who seamlessly become a part of your project team. Additionally, we provide virtual companies with an entire project team that encompasses all aspects of clinical development.

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